It is a little late but Chloe is ONE! I just can't believe it. She is changing every day. She is walking now, talking like crazy, feeding herself, etc. She has such a wonderful sweet personality. Her face just lights up when ever daddy or I enter the room. It is so hard to believe that it has only been a year. We can't even remember her not being in our lives. As I look back over the past year, I have loved every single minute of it. I have even loved the sleepless nights, and lets be completely honest, we still have some sleepless nights :-). I would not trade one single minute of the past year. She has been such a blessing in our lives and it is so much fun to see the world through her eyes and to teach her things. I thank the Good Lord every day for bringing her into our lives and for giving us the privelege to raise her. I pray that she will grow up loving life and loving the Lord with all her heart. I pray she grows to be a strong Christian woman with a quiet and gentle spirit. I have thoroughly enjoyed the first year and look forward to each year to come.
I love you Chloe Elizabeth and you are so very special to Mommy and Daddy.